Bill's Baked Salmon

As cooked by Laurie

A bit more than a 1 lb. Wild U.S. Salmon.
Just out of the oven.  Cooking pan lined with parchment paper

Laurie and I decided we’re going to eat more fish.  The problem is that while Laurie would be quite happy to have fish once or twice a week, I on the other hand am not a big fish fan.  (Even when I go fishing, I am catch-and-release!) 

I know cold water fish like salmon are loaded with Omega 3 fats, the “good fats”, but I still resist fish.  I doubt that I have even ordered fish at a restaurant. But this salmon recipe has changed my mind.  Laurie has had this recipe forever.  The recipe below is a jpg scan of the recipe card.  You can tell that is is well used!

Shortening up the story a bit, we have decided that salmon is good for us, that we will have salmon once a month, and that it will be cooked using this recipe.  That’s a good start.  I’m thinking perhaps we’ll experiment a bit more and find a second fish recipe we both like, and then we’ll plan on having fish twice a month.  Who knows, maybe I’ll start ordering fish in restaurants! 

Bill's Baked Salmon

What is needed:

  • 1 Tbs olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 tsp pepper, preferably freshly ground
  • 1 slice lemon, squeezed
  • 3 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 1/2 pound salmon fillets

What to do:

  1. Easy!  Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and spread over the fillets.
  2. Bake for 30 minutes or until flaky, at 350F.
